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337 records found
Study at Cliff College
Open days
Fees and finance
Events & stays at Cliff College
Why choose Cliff?
Cliff College is situated on the outskirts of the village of Calver, in the beautiful Peak District National Park.
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Dr Gareth Crispin
Prior to joining Cliff College in 2019, Gareth spent ten years as a youth, children & families minister, most recently in an Anglican church in Cheshire and before that in an Independent Baptist C...
About Cliff Festival
Past Festival at Home events
Dr Ben Pugh
Ben joined Cliff College in September 2012 from Mattersey Hall where he was head of Postgraduate Studies. After an initial career as a full-time artist, Ben worked as an administrator for the Ministry...
Gap year
Our students are primarily offered accommodation in our main College building, which offers comfortable en-suite study bedrooms.
Community life
Life at Cliff is built around prayer and worship, as well as studying, eating and living together as a community. Whether you come to Cliff for a few days or for a few years, you’ll find people you ca...
Staff and leadership
Children and young people at Festival
Cliff Festival is a festival for all ages, and we make sure there's plenty to do for our younger attendees.
Cliff Festival A-Z
This A-Z includes everything you need to know about Cliff Festival. If you have questions that are not answered on this page, please contact us at
Catering and facilities
Directions to Cliff College and the Conference Centre, and travel options
Robert Munro
I love it here!
PhD and PhD Missiology
Cliff’s research programmes combine academic excellence with cutting edge theological and missiological research in a supportive learning community.
About Cliff College
Cliff College has a long and rich heritage of providing Bible training to people from diverse backgrounds, for mission and evangelism.
Hire Cliff College
Cliff College is set in the Peak District National Park, on the outskirts of Calver village and twenty minutes from the town of Chesterfield.
Dr. Joanna Williamson
Dr. Joanna Williamson – Joanna E. Williamson is the founder and director of SheLives and a co-director of One Rock International. She is half German and half Polish. An Alumni of Cliff College, she ho...
Growing and Sustaining New Christian Communities
The short course will be helpful to those who are pioneering new Christian communities and want to learn and reflect with others.
Andrea Campanale
We are delighted to welcome Andrea Campanale, Lay Mission Pioneer and Leader of Sacred Space Kingston, to be our Course Leader. Andrea has been pioneering in mission since 2005 through a project she s...
Alison Cansdale
Alison is a nationally known UK based freelance mentor. She is a member and professionally accredited Senior Practitioner Mentor/Coach with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, (EMCC). She is ...
Rick Lewis
Rick is an internationally known freelance mentor of leaders and consultant to a wide variety of Christian organisations. Author of ‘Mentoring Matters’, he has 30 years’ experience in leading local ch...
Coaching for Christian Leaders
This short course is designed to develop coaching skills. It will be especially useful for anyone who is coaching leaders.
Elaine Lindridge
Elaine loves coffee, mountains, cocktails with her friends, her husband, wildlife, cooking, her adult kids, the Northumbrian coastline and her job (but not in that order!). She works as The Minister o...
Andrea Vertigan
Andrea Vertigan is a Salvation Army officer with responsibility, along with her husband Andrew, for pioneering, Fresh Expressions and planting etc across the UK. Andrea coaches individuals and groups ...
Tony Sharp
Tony Sharp is a husband, dad, mechanical engineer, writer and the Project Manager for Who Let The Dads Out? He combines a professional career in engineering in the water industry with a Christian visi...
Faith in Change and Conflict
This short course is for all in church leadership who want to deepen their learning about conflict, change and transition in faith contexts.
Contact Cliff College
We would love to hear from you! If you would like more information about the College, open days, visiting or if you would like to request a prospectus, please contact us.
Methodist Worship: Leading & Preaching training
Get a Quote
Use the form below to fill out some details about the event you'd like to run at Cliff College and we'll put together a quote for you.
Courses in partnership with others
Residential Conference
A multi-day event requiring our residential facilities.
Whole-Day Event
A one-day event, requiring catering and potentially multiple rooms.
A single meeting in one of our conference spaces.
Belben Library
The Belben Library is a key feature of Cliff College, supporting students and staff and resourcing our wider College community.
Cliff Global Partnerships
Cliff is proud to work with educators, churches and ministries across the world in ensuring access to quality theological education for all.
Theology of Christian Mentoring (CM1)
Wesleyan Theology and Spirituality (WTS2)
Alison Summerskill
Alison is a former children’s nurse and health visitor. From 2002-2018 she was children and families’ pastor and Reader at St Andrew’s Churchdown, where she set up a Godly Play room. Now retired, she ...
Rev Ashley Cooper
Ashley joined the Cliff College staff as Principal in September 2017, following his role as Senior Minister at Swan Bank Methodist Church in Stoke and the Superintendent of the Burslem Mission Circuit...
Dr Kirsi Cobb
Kirsi joined Cliff College in September 2013. Originally from Finland, Kirsi moved to the UK in 1999 to pursue a BA in theology. She is a graduate from the University of Wales, Bangor, where she compl...
John Hawksworth
John Hawksworth works for Youth for Christ overseeing its local ministries in the North of England, Scotland... and Wales! He has been in full-time youth ministry for over 25 years with a wide experie...
Jennie Fytche
Well known to Cliff College, and one of our own Children’s Ministry alumni, Jennie originally trained as a nurse and then later studied Applied Theology in Family, Youth and Community work. Over the l...
Gail Adcock
Gail Adcock is Family Ministry Development Officer with the Methodist Church GB, equipping and resourcing those working with families across the UK. She has a primary education background, was family ...
Rev Dr Mike Parsons
Mike has in recent times been the Commissioning Editor for BRF, and before that taught Systematic Theology in Murdoch University and Vose Seminary, Perth, Western Australia. He brings a huge wealth of...
Dr Carolyn Edwards
Carolyn Edwards is the Course Leader for our Certificate in Children's Ministry, part of our Short Course programme. Carolyn Edwards is the Course Leader for our online course on children’s ministry i...
Dr Sandra Brower
Originally from Canada, Sandra came to the UK to pursue and MA in theology. She returned to Canada to help plant and pastor a church before marrying and moving permanently to the UK in 1998. After com...
Anneka James-Khokhar
Anneka is responsible for our external communications and marketing and promotions work. After completing her BA in Theology at Cliff College, Anneka worked for churches around the country doing youth...
Allison Cooper
Allison supports Cliff students who have special educational needs and disabilities and is the primary contact for those seeking assistance with Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). She used to spend t...
Kathryn Middleton
Kathryn’s main work focuses on our learning platform, TheologyX. She runs the helpdesk for technical issues and new partnership enquires for TheologyX, and supports the work of the College through the...
Lauren Adair
Lauren is responsible for our annual Festival and Graduation events and other events during the year at Cliff College, as well as for managing projects within the Evangelism & Mission team. She st...
Cathi Thacker
Cathi oversees the admin of the undergraduate courses, seeing students through from admission to graduation. She has worked at Cliff for seven years and until recently helped to run the annual Cliff F...
Rev Dr George Bailey
George joined Cliff College in September 2014. George is a Methodist minister with 16 years of experience in urban and suburban churches in Leeds. As well as lecturing at the College, he is Co-Superin...
Charlotte Hendy
Charlotte leads our 'Every Woman' retreats, run in partnership with Girls Brigade. Charlotte is Discipleship & Evangelism Enabler for Girls’ Brigade Ministries and loves enabling women to grow in ...
Nic Parsons
Nic has worked at the College since 2010. He is part of the Estates team, maintaining the grounds and buildings to a high standard. Prior to working at Cliff College, Nic worked as a tree surgeon and ...
Tim Barnes
Tim started working at Cliff College in 2003 after many years working on oil rigs around the UK. As part of the Estates team, he is responsible for the maintenance of the College building and grounds....
Clive Taylor
Clive works at Cliff College as a Volunteer Archivist. His first visit to Cliff was as a schoolboy with his parents in 1952. Returning every year as a volunteer helper, he assisted at both Anniversary...
Credit Transfer Arrangements
George Dixon-Gough
George started his role as Chief Operating Officer at Cliff College in August 2022. George is a former BA Theology student at Cliff College. After finishing his degree, he worked for churches, circui...
Dr Ali Mackenzie
Ali wears two hats here at Cliff - she is the Student Welfare Manager, and also a member of faculty. Ali enjoys teaching in various areas, and is particularly passionate about Christian spirituality, ...
Matt Hartley
Matt is the Learning Innovation Manager, and also heads up the IT and AV Department. He is responsible for much of the College live-streaming output, oversees all of the tech for Cliff Festival and le...
Ali Johnson
After completing his BA in Theology at Cliff College, Ali worked for Swanbank Church in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. He has a background in mission and evangelism, particularly in a digital setting. He al...
Julie Novelli
Julie joined the team in 2019. She works on the Cliff Reception and also covers some housekeeping work. If Julie has a day off work, it’s either because she is attending London Fashion week with her h...
Samantha Tredwell
Samantha Tredwell has long loved painting, making, sewing and all things creative, and is a graduate of the University of Manchester Creative Arts, Mission and Ministry Diploma course, taken here at C...
Jill Baker
Jill Baker is a Methodist Local Preacher living in Glasgow, and a former Vice-President of the Methodist Conference. She regularly plans and leads pilgrimages – mainly within Britain but has also take...
Andrew Roberts
Author of Holy Habits, Andrew Roberts is a Methodist minister, writer and speaker. Previously he was Fresh Expressions Director of Training. He co-authored the critically acclaimed fresh!, an introduc...
Rachel Blake
Rachel Blake first came to Cliff College as a part-time student on the BA in Mission and Ministry course whilst working in a community church in Surrey as a children’s and youth worker. After completi...
Ali Campbell
Ali Campbell runs ‘The Resource’, a youth and children’s ministry consultancy. He has 30+ years experience in children’s, youth and family ministry and delivers training, mentoring and support for chi...
Giving to Cliff College
Your support enables us to train people for mission and evangelism, and reach people with the good news of Jesus.
Thank you for your donation!
We are so very grateful for your financial support of Cliff College, its vision and mission!
Training and development courses
Bob Bartindale
Bob is a local preacher in the Bramhall & Wythenshawe circuit in south Manchester. He also serves as the Officer for Worship and Local Preachers in the Methodist Connexional Team, which involves d...
Sola Ayodeji
Having previously been both a church youth worker and a youth offending officer, Sola has a passion to see young people grasp the hope found in Jesus. He’s been part of the Message family for a number...
Debbie Thrower
Debbie Thrower is the founder and pioneer of Anna Chaplaincy for Older People – offering spiritual care for people in their later years. There is an expanding the network of some 170 Anna Chaplains an...
Becky Sedgwick
Becky is mum to a grown up daughter, and for ten years was a children and families pastor working in a local church. She now works for Parenting for Faith, supporting churches as they run the course a...
Michael Cooper
Michael is the newly appointed Key Relationships Manager for the Church Army, having previously been the National Director for Christian Vision for Men in England & Scotland. He was a Radar Engine...
Annabel Clarke
Annabel is a Chartered Psychologist, supporting children, adults, families and organisations through work and ministry. She co-chairs The Engage Network and is co-editor of the book ‘7 Reasons Your Ch...
Our partner institutions and churches
Our partnerships with churches, colleges and institutions are more than just names on a list, and each has a story to share. Get in touch with us to learn more.
Dr Justin Thacker
Dr Justin Thacker is the Just Scripture Advisor for Christian Aid and an adjunct lecturer and consultant for Cliff College. Previously, he served in various senior roles at the College, including as B...
Dr Cathy Ross
Dr Cathy Ross is Canon Theologian at Leicester Cathedral; Tutor in Contextual Theology at Ripon College Cuddesdon; MA Coordinator for Pioneer Leadership Training at CMS (Church Mission Society); and L...
Rev Dr Stephen Skuce
An Irish Methodist minister, Stephen worked directly at Cliff College from 2005 until 2015, and then from 2016-17. His previous experience includes pastoral ministry in Ireland, missionary service in ...
Dr Ed Mackenzie
Originally from New Zealand, Ed came to the UK to pursue a PhD in New Testament Studies. Following his doctorate, he completed a PGCE and taught in secondary schools before working in a variety of dif...
Revd Dr David Hilborn
The Revd Dr David Hilborn (BA, MA, PhD SFHEA) is Principal of Moorlands College, UK. Before his appointment to Moorlands in 2018, David held senior leadership roles at St Mellitus College and St John’...
Rev Dr Sally Nelson
Sally is ordained as a Baptist Minister and is Dean of Baptist Formation at St Hild College, Yorkshire, where she teaches doctrine and pastoral care. Her research interests include narrative approache...
Melissa Falk
Melissa Falk is an ordained minister and a professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at the University of Valley Forge. For the last 20 years she has served as the pastor of a local parish, served as ...
Cliff Year
The Cliff Year is a gap year for 18–25s, run by Cliff College and giving participants the opportunity to invest in themselves and their faith.
Jane Butcher
Jane trained as a secondary school teacher before moving into church-based children and family ministry back in 1993. She has worked in this field since then in both the USA and UK. She works for BRF ...
Rachel Kemp
Having done a Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and having led the course and similar courses around the world, Rachel is the perfect person to co-lead the Academy course....
Rev Dr Roger Walton
Roger Walton is a recently retired ordained presbyter in the British Methodist Church. As well as varied circuit appointments, Roger was Connexional Secretary for Adult Learning 1987-1999, then Direct...
The Bible, Gender and Church Research Centre
The Bible, Gender and Church (BGC) Research Centre focuses on biblical and practical gender studies, and how these intersect and inform the lives of women and men in the contemporary church.
Cliff College Committee
The Cliff College Committee is the governing body of the College and acts as managing trustees under delegated authority from the Methodist Council.
Bible, Gender and Church Research Centre - the first year
We interviewed Dr Kirsi Cobb to find out what’s been happening with the Bible, Gender and Church Centre (BGC) since its launch in May 2019
The Samuel Chadwick Centre
‘Discerning the Spirit in the Mission of the Church.’
Global Partnerships timeline
A timeline of our Global Partnerships activity.
Volunteer at Cliff Festival 2025
Accommodation and food options
404 Page
Memory – Steven Bridge
Memorandum of Understanding with Perkins School of Theology
Our ongoing partnership with Perkins School of Theology has been formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Rev Dr Peter Ensor
Rev Dr Peter Ensor is a New Testament scholar and Methodist minister. He served on faculty at Cliff College between 2008 and 2012 as a lecturer in New Testament studies, and has recently returned from...
Memory – Mrs Isobel Parker
Cliff College statement on teaching - May 2020
Cliff College aims to ensure that students will be able to access their courses and programmes in 2020/21 and has released the following statement.
What we believe
Cliff College - a global centre for evangelism and missiology
Memory – Brian Spence
Cliff College Statement | July 2020
Cliff College is very pleased to announce that we will be open from this summer providing a safe space for learning, refreshment and relaxation.
Creative Bible Reading
An online course looking at creative ways to read the Bible
Studies in Ephesians
An online course exploring the New Testament book of Ephesians
Women in the Bible
An online course exploring the exciting world of women in the Bible.
Introduction to Christian Holiness
An online course exploring Christian holiness and sanctification through the Bible and the life and teachings of John Wesley
Prayer and worship at Cliff College
Join us for prayer, worship and teaching from the Cliff College Chapel.
Certificate in Parenting for Faith
An online course looking at parenting and raising children in the Christian faith
Introducing: Revd Dr Andrew J Stobart
Revd Dr Andrew J Stobart has been appointed as the Programme Lead (Learning Innovation) at Cliff College from 1 January 2021.
Dr Holly Morse
Holly is lecturer in Bible, Gender and Culture at the University of Manchester, and co-director of the Bible, Gender and Church Research Centre. Holly has a DPhil from the University of Oxford, where ...
Rev Paul Smith
Rev. Paul Smith is a now-retired Methodist minister, having served as a minister for over 40 years. He is passionate about the Wesleyan tradition. Paul has written and spoken over the years about holi...
Russ Houghton
Russ works part-time in the Arthur Skevington Wood Archive Library on a voluntary basis. Russ first came to Cliff College in 1956 as a volunteer during Derwent Week. He completed his National Service...
Graduation 2024
Our graduation ceremony was held at 12pm on Saturday 16 November - you can watch it back here.
BA Mission and Ministry - third age pathway
Our BA Mission & Ministry third age pathway will run from September 2021, aimed at those working with older people in church and community settings.
Cliff College: in partnership with UCAN
Cliff College is delighted to announce our new partnership with UCAN, the UK Church Administrators Network.
Generation: The Centre for the Study of Youth, Children and Families Mission and Ministry
The activities of the Generation research centre are currently paused due to changes in staffing at Cliff College. Please contact Ed Mackenzie on if you have any questio...
Rev Dr Andrew Stobart
Andrew serves at Cliff College as the Vice-Principal (Academic), having broad responsibility for the College’s academic programmes, relationships and research projects. He teaches courses in church hi...
David Devenish
David Devenish is an internationally recognised leader, speaker, and church planter. He is currently the overseer for the apostolic leadership of Newfrontiers, a charismatic evangelical network of wel...
Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf
Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf is the National Mission and Evangelism Adviser for the Church of England. She leads various evangelistic initiatives, research projects, as well as a network for diocesan mission...
Rev Dr Michael Moynagh
Revd Dr Michael Moynagh is a nationally recognised missiologist. He is a minister within the Fresh Expressions stream of Anglicanism, in which he serves as Director of Network Development and Consulta...
Dr Ruth Valerio
Dr Ruth Valerio an international speaker, author, and global advocate. Having previously been the Churches and Theology Director for A Rocha UK, she is now the Global Advocacy and Influencing Director...
Stuart Murray Williams
Stuart Murray Williams is a prolific author and practitioner in the areas of post-Christendom mission and church planting. He spent 12 years as an urban church planter in East London and has continued...
Open day - onsite at Cliff College
Join us for an open day at Cliff College - learn more about our programmes, meet staff and students and experience what it is like to be part of our College community.
Explore our courses by subject
Michelle Foulkes
Michelle works as the PA to the Principal of the College. Before working in administration she was a youth worker in Birmingham and then Sheffield. She is passionate about seeing excellent administrat...
Creative Bible Reading - the Lent course
Cliff College is pleased to be offering an online Lent study course designed for small group study.
How to apply
Cliff College launches new research centre: Generation
Cliff College launches its latest research centre: Generation: The Centre for the Study of Youth, Children and Families Mission and Ministry.
A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Cliff College and McCabe Pilgrimages
Join us on a ten day pilgrimage to the Holy Land in June 2022. Our trip will include time in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Galilee.
Holly Adams
Holly is the Evangelism and Contemporary Culture Officer for the Methodist Church, working collaboratively across the Connexion to help equip all Methodists for authentic, confident faith sharing.
Bob Hartman
Bob has traveled the world, telling Bible stories, for over 30 years. He has written over 100 books, mostly for children, including The Lion Storyteller Bible, and YouVersion’s Bible App for Kids. Ori...
Sara and Sam Hargreaves run engageworship, providing training, and inspiration for local church worship. Their website offers hundreds of free, creative worship resources for all kinds of groups, ages...
Revd Dr Raj Patta
Raj Bharat Patta is serving as a minister at the United Stockport Circuit. He is passionate in making faith in Jesus Christ relevant to the public sphere by offering ecumenical, global, multi-cultural...
Chris Duffett
Chris Duffett is co-principal of The Light College and Collective. He is a graduate from Cliff College with an MA in evangelism studies from the 1999! He has continued serving an evangelist, storytell...
Tim Baker
Tim is the Head of Public Engagement at All We Can, the international development agency working to see people's potential fulfilled around the world. He lives in West Yorkshire with his wife and 4-ye...
Bradley Goddon-Smith
Bradley is a graduate of Cliff College and now works as part of the Global Relationships team of the Methodist Church. Global Relationships is a part of the Mission Team for the Methodist Church in B...
Pete Dawson
Pete was a former student at Cliff College, and is now a church planter and the worship team leader at Ivy Church in Manchester. He is married to Lauren and they have a 2 year-old daughter called Indi...
Play It By Ear
Play it by Ear is a Belfast based Christian drama company; they travel to churches, festivals, schools, youth groups and just about anywhere else you can think of sharing their faith through drama and...
Group retreats
Group retreats for churches, student groups, organisations and other groups are welcome throughout the year.
Study at Cliff College in the UK
Open day - onsite at Cliff College
Join us for an open day at Cliff College - meet staff and students and get a feel for the courses and the College.
Cliff College statement following Methodist Conference 2021
A statement from Cliff College following Methodist Conference 2021.
An update on the Big Cliff Weekend
An update on the upcoming Big Cliff Weekend event at Cliff College.
Catherine Wilmot
Catherine is the first point of contact for people considering studying at Cliff College. She has a degree in Philosophy and Social Anthropology from the University of St Andrews. Catherine spent the ...
USA Banner
National Student Survey results
Cliff College scores highly in this year's National Student Survey.
Rachel McCallam
Rachel McCallam works for the Methodist Church as Coordinator of the Learning Network in the Yorkshire Plus Region. She is a trained coach and spiritual accompanist and is passionate about enabling pe...
UCAN and Cliff College - 'The Work of the Church Administrator'
Cliff College is delighted to be in partnership with UCAN in the delivery of the distance learning course, The Work of the Church Administrator.
Rev Moses Agyam
Moses is originally from Ghana but has lived in the UK since his mid-teens. After his undergraduate studies (at the London School of Theology), Moses spent almost five years in the Open Learning Depar...
Revd Dr Jeffrey Conklin-Miller to join Cliff College
We are excited to announce the appointment of the Revd Dr Jeffrey Conklin-Miller to the role of Learning Lead and Tutor in Evangelism and Missiology.
Training and development course calendar
Our courses run throughout the year, with day, weekend and five-day courses onsite at Cliff College and other courses available online. If you would like more information about any of these courses, p...
Mission Partners at Cliff College
During the first semester of the 2021-22 academic year, Cliff College hosted a group of mission partners undertaking their training.
> 100mbs across our site
Tea and coffee facilities
In all our rooms
Free parking on premises
Soap and towels
Alcohol-free site
En-suite bathroom
In all our rooms
Disabled access
Staffed reception
During business hours
On call team available
24 hours / 7 days
Available on request from Reception
Basic toiletries
Family friendly
Single, double and family rooms
24-hour check-in
Included in price
Bicycle parking
Silent retreat badges available
Access to Chapel on request
Map of local area
Outdoor space
Retreat box
Including maps of the site, local area with suggested walking routes, resources for personal prayer, a holding cross and battery candle and an overview of Cliff’s rhythm of prayer
Dining facilities
Conference and breakout rooms
Audio visual equipment and presentation facilities
Bed & breakfast stays in the Peak District
Conferences & Events
Iron and ironing board
Available on request from Reception
Course Confirmation Email
Luke Middleton
Luke is responsible for producing a variety of media and video content at Cliff, including courses for our online learning resources CliffX and TheologyX as well as other areas of the College. After c...
Order Confirmation Page
Daniel McCurdy-Hunt
Daniel is Cliff's onsite IT Support Officer and spends his time supporting students and staff with tech-related problems and issues. Prior to joining the Cliff family Daniel worked for seven years in ...
The Work of a Church Administrator (UCAN)
A nationally recognised course of study prepared for Christians employed by a local church as a Church Administrator in some form, offered by UCAN in partnership with Cliff College.
Rev Dr Jeffrey Conklin-Miller
Following schooling and ministry in United Methodist churches in Southern California, Jeff finished his doctoral work and then joined the faculty at the Divinity School at Duke University where he stu...
Bible, Gender and Church Research Centre receives AHRC grant
The grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council will fund research around the theme of 'Abusing God: Reading the Bible in the #MeToo Age'.
February 2022 - visit to Harare, Zimbabwe
In February, Ashley Cooper, Andrew Stobart and Kathryn Young visited Cliff College's partners in Zimbabwe to renew face to face relationships after the Covid travel restrictions.
Rachel Lampard
Rachel Lampard has worked for many years to help churches to engage with issues of social justice, particularly through the ecumenical Joint Public Issues Team, and is currently the Methodist Church D...
Foundations: Mission and Ministry pathway
The Foundations: Mission and Ministry pathway will prepare and equip people to serve God inside and outside the church.
Affinity is a space for collective learning. Each morning we begin with an in-depth Bible study, a taught session with space for collaborative reflection. We will look at Bible stories and accounts fr...
The Cliff College Trek
The Cliff College Trek happens annually during Holy Week. In 2025, we'll be in the Sheffield District.
Introduction to Cliff College
Join us for an online introduction to Cliff College and our postgraduate programmes. We will share a short presentation about the College and the Cliff community, where you can find out more about who...
Festival LIVE 2024
April 2022 - trip to Sierra Leone
Three of our staff visited the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone to discuss training for lay and ordained people and further learning development
Festival at Home 2022
Welcome to Festival at Home 2022! Here you will be able to find our live programme and watch all our broadcasts from Festival at Home 2022.
Steve Adams
Steve is the Director of Public Engagement at All We Can and is passionate about partnership, ideas, and empowered working. He lives in Sutton with his family, and they are members of Chiltern Church.
Karen Herrick
Karen Herrick, from Harlequin Arts, is a freelance artist-educator, delivering creative sessions for wellbeing across many sectors of the community & stitching stories of faith through textile art...
Kathryn Filleul
Kathryn is the Finance Assistant at Cliff College. She came to Cliff after many years working for a cycle clothing company. Being an enthusiastic cyclist, one of the attractions of working at Cliff fo...
Introduction to Cliff College
Join us for an online introduction to Cliff College and our MA Theology and Mission programme. We will share a short presentation about the College and the Cliff community, where you can find out more...
The Playground
Join Adventure Plus at The Playground between 1pm and 6pm every day for activities for people aged 5 and up! The Playground will include a football cage, a climbing wall (open 2-3:30pm) and archery ta...
David Hardman
David is a Methodist Minister and has served churches in the city centre, inner-city and suburbs of Manchester and London. He is currently the Methodist Liaison Officer, Jerusalem. He has also worked ...
Bursaries and financial support
Cliff College offers a range of bursaries and scholarships to enable students to access high quality theological education and training.
Introduction to Evangelism
An online course exploring the theory and theology of evangelism, its history and its contemporary practice.
Revd Dr Martyn David Atkins
After a decisive Christian conversion aged 17, Martyn Atkins began training as a Methodist minister in 1977, aged 22, and until 2020 served Christ in the Methodist Church of Great Britain in a variety...
Online courses
Onsite short courses
Foundations: Integrating Theology and Practice
Foundations: Integrating Theology and Practice is an online unit taken over 15 weeks, using Cliff College's online learning platform.
Foundations: Pastoral Practice
This online unit provides an introduction to pastoral care and enables students to identify and develop good practice.
Foundations: Ministry in the Methodist Tradition
This online unit is an introduction to the historical development of Methodist ministries and their distinctive characteristics then and now.
Foundations: Evangelism and Christian Mission
This online unit enables students to recognise and develop evangelistic practices for Christian mission and ministry today.
Foundations: Exploring Church History
This online unit is an introduction to the global story of the church over the past twenty centuries.
Foundations: Reading the New Testament
This online unit is an introduction to the literature, history and message of the New Testament.
BA (Hons) Theology and Mission
This programme offers a solid foundation in theology and biblical studies alongside practical instruction and experience in ministry, and can be taken online or onsite at Cliff College.
BA Theology and Mission - Certificate (Level 4)
Request MA Theology and Mission unit dates
BA Theology and Mission - Diploma (Level 5)
BA Theology and Mission - Degree (Level 6)
Undergraduate and postgraduate study
Discounted study for alumni of Cliff College
Cliff College offers our alumni a returners' discount on course fees for their next level of study.
Tomasz Gorniak
Tomasz joined the team at Cliff College in 2022. Originally from Poland, he has been in the UK since 2016. Tomasz sees life as a pilgrimage and enjoys helping to make Cliff College a perfect place for...
Exhibiting at Festival
Join our exhibition area at Cliff Festival 2025.
About Foundations units
Units designed for to equip you for mission and ministry in the 21st century.
Research at Cliff College
Dr Ruth Valerio
Dr Ruth Valerio is Global Advocacy and Influencing Director at Tearfund, and will be leading the Bible studies at Cliff Festival 2023. An environmentalist, theologian and social activist. Ruth holds ...
Emma Condon
Emma joined Cliff College in 2022 as part of our hospitality team. Prior to that she worked cleaning holiday cottages in the Peak District. Emma lives near the College and loves spending time with her...
Maria Rice
Maria joined Cliff College in 2022 as part of our Hospitality team, having previously been involved in ministry and education. She is married to Brian and has two grown up daughters. Maria loves livin...
Matt and Rachel Wright
Revd Matt Wright is a Baptist minister and former Cliff student who leads our Everyday Missional Discipleship course. Matt and his wife Rachel are passionate about Jesus and they long for renewal in t...
Sustainability at Cliff Festival
Cliff Festival is taking concrete steps to becoming a more sustainable, eco-friendly event and we aim to be transparent in our progress towards this goal.
Cliff Today 2023 - download your copy here
Download your copy of the latest issue of Cliff Today here.
Carole Marsden
Carole started working for Cliff College in 2023 as our Community Warden. Originally from Burnley, Carole studied Music and Classics at Keele University and then Contextual Theology at Northern Colleg...
Harriet Proffitt
Harriet is the Cliff College Admissions Officer, dealing with the admissions for both the undergraduate and postgraduate courses. She grew up in Suffolk, came to Nottingham 25 years ago to study at No...
Foundations: Growing in Leadership
This online unit introduces students to key approaches in self-management, leadership and teamwork for Christian mission and ministry.
Foundations: Christian Spirituality
This online unit introduces students to key theories, movements, figures and practices relating to spirituality in the Christian tradition.
Foundations: Christian Theology in Outline
This unit introduces students to the major questions explored by key Christian doctrines and enables them to strengthen their grasp of Christian faith.
Foundations: Reading the Old Testament
This online unit is an introduction to the literature, history and message of the Old Testament.
Foundations: Issues Facing the Church Today
This online unit introduces students to basic approaches to Christian ethics and public theology and explores a number of key issues that dominate the church’s discourse.
Foundations: Exploring Children, Youth and Family Ministry
This online unit introduces students to key perspectives and skills for engaging in ministry and mission among children, youth and families
Seminar Streams
This year at Cliff Festival we'll be offering a number of different seminar streams. Each stream will address a different element of our theme Eden Restored. Join us to reflect more deeply on what res...
Aaron Bent
Aaron Bent is a firm believer in the power of words. Through the use of them in his work as a poet and a teacher, he seeks to inspire, educate and advocate on matters regarding justice and the arts.
Matt Beckingham
Matt Beckingham is a musician who has a varied career as conductor & worship leader. From leading worship at Methodist Conference to performing for the late HM The Queen, from performing at the Pr...
Festival 2024 sessions and seminars - Friday
Sessions and seminars on Friday 24 May at Cliff Festival
Festival 2024 sessions and seminars - Saturday
Sessions and seminars on Saturday 25 May at Cliff Festival
Festival 2024 sessions and seminars - Sunday
Sessions and seminars on Sunday 26 May at Cliff Festival
Festival 2024 sessions and seminars - Monday
Sessions and seminars on Monday 27 May at Cliff Festival
Clive McKie
Rev Clive McKie is the founder of Taketime Meditations which empowers people to develop a relationship with Jesus through accessible meditations, and trains Taketime Practitioners so that they may emp...
Cliff College Alumni Network
Requesting a transcript or new certificate
Cliff College is happy to provide transcripts, showing units taken and marks awarded, for former students on our BA and MA programmes and for any other programmes where validated credit was awarded.
Student support
Our Student Welfare team seeks to offer support to Cliff College’s diverse student body in whatever way is needed. They provide a listening ear and a confidential space to talk about whatever is on yo...
Dr Heather Major
Prior to joining Cliff College in 2023, Heather taught at Highland Theological College, UHI and worked multiple part-time jobs as she completed her PhD with the University of Glasgow. She was born and...
Bringing a youth group to Cliff Festival 2025
Cliff College Festival 2025, running from 23-26 May in Derbyshire, could be your youth group’s next adventure!
Ben Fentem
Ben started at Cliff College in 2023 as the College's Commercial Sales Manager. Prior to that, he spent 14 years supplying software into the Manufacturing and Construction industries, initially in tec...
Jon White
Jon is a 1-1, group and team coach, facilitator and trainer with two decades spent working at intersections of faith and education. He loves helping leaders use the simplest learning from coaching to ...
Seasonal retreats at Cliff College
Join Cliff College for guided day retreats to pray and reflect.
Studying at Cliff College - Virginia's story
Ahead of Cliff College's 2023 Graduation, we sat down with Virginia Gill, one of our graduating MA students, to find out about her experience of studying at Cliff College.
Rev David Lees
David is a Methodist minister, currently working and living in Shetland with his wife Becca as well as their son, tortoise and cat. Throughout his own studies, David developed a passion for the Old Te...
MA Theology and Mission
A postgraduate degree programme focusing on theology, mission and scholarship, validated by The University of Manchester.
Support for students with disabilities and additional needs
Cliff College has a strong track record of providing support to students with disabilities and/or additional needs so they can access education and reach their full potential.
Rev Dr Erika Stalcup
Erika joined Cliff College in 2023 and lectures in the areas of Church History and Christian Formation. She is especially interested in early Methodist history, worship, spirituality and intercultural...
Ministry Roadmaps: a new podcast from Cliff College
This new podcast from Cliff College will feature interviews with former students engaged in different ministries.
Research Community at Cliff College - New Places for New People
Cliff College is pleased to announce a unique opportunity to participate in a Research Community focusing on initiatives from the Methodist Church in Britain.
Awesome (5-11s)
The Awesome venue is back open for another AWESOME weekend together! For children aged 5–11 we have a fun weekend packed full of songs, games, crafts, activities, sketches, Bible teaching and so much ...
Little Awesome (2-4s)
Little Awesome: Where the Bible meets ball pools and messy play leads Festival's younger children (2-4 years) into meeting with God. This year’s Little Awesome has a Bible-based, loving and family-foc...
Festival for Minis (0-2s)
Festival for Minis is a warm safe venue just for small people with their parents or carers.
Fusion (11-17s)
Fusion is our Festival youth venue, open to those aged 11-17.
Young Adults (18-30s)
The Young Adults venue gives those aged 18-30 opportunity to connect with other young adults at Cliff Festival.
The Hope Stage
The Hope Stage is our main stage for Cliff Festival 2024, hosting Bible studies, worship and more.
The Orchard Stage
Spend your afternoons at Cliff Festival in the Orchard with some of our artists and contributors.
Hope & Anchor
A safe space at Cliff Festival 2024 for conversations, questions and the occasional mocktail or slushie!
The Prayer Yurt
The Prayer Yurt is a dedicated space for prayer, open throughout Cliff Festival.
The Market Hub
The Market Hub is at the centre of Cliff Festival, next to the Hope Stage.
Cliff Festival Guide
Foundations: Exploring Chaplaincy
Foundations: Exploring Chaplaincy is an online unit taken over 15 weeks, using Cliff College's online learning platform.
Zac Carpenter
Zac Carpenter is a worship leader, songwriter, busker and pastor based in South London. He oversees worship at Croydon Vineyard Church and is passionate about worship as a lifestyle. His songs are cre...
Christian Climate Action
We are a community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic, anthropogenic climate breakdown. We are inspired by Jesus Christ and guided b...
Rev Leslie Newton
Leslie is currently Chair of Yorkshire North and East District of the Methodist Church in Britain, having previously served in the Barnsley, Bramhall & Wythenshawe and York Circuits. Leslie was bo...
Peak Wesley Way
Peak Wesley Way is a ministry of the Peak Methodist Circuit which launched in 2024. It is a contemporary opportunity to engage in the ancient practice of pilgrimage along a path connecting six rural c...
Methodist Evangelicals Together
Methodist Evangelicals Together (MET) is a renewal movement which is Bible-based and prayer-focused. We encourage and equip evangelicals within Methodism to read and study the Bible, pray, engage in t...
The Methodist Church
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through worship, learning and caring, serv...
All We Can
All We Can is an international development and relief organisation, rooted in Christianity and working together to see every person’s potential fulfilled. Focussed on serving the world’s most marginal...
Kerry Scarlett
Kerry is a former Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, and an ordained Methodist Deacon whose current role is with the Methodist Learning Network. Kerry’s role as a Learning & Development o...
Cassandra Maria
Cassandra Maria, a dynamic comedian and presenter, brings laughter to audiences nationwide as she hosts shows on Premier Gospel and Premier Christian Radio, the UK's foremost Christian music stations....
Who's who at Cliff Festival
Foundations units
Cliff Festival 2025: Holiness Calling
Cliff Festival 2025 runs from 23-26 May and is titled 'Holiness Calling'. You can buy your tickets here!
Mark Nash
Having completed over 37 years of work in financial services, Mark embarked on a full-time undergraduate degree in Theology and Ministry which he completed in 2024. Combining his previous experience i...
Postgraduate Certificate with a focus on Intergenerational Ministry and Mission
Cliff College's new Postgraduate Certificate is a year-long, part-time course that will develop your understanding and practice of intergenerational church, theology and mission.
Appointment of Rev Dr Graham Edwards
Cliff College is delighted to announced the appointment of Rev Dr Graham Edwards as Cliff Year Community Lead and Teaching Fellow in A Methodist Way of Life, from September 2024.
Statement following the Employment Tribunal judgment
Cliff College's statement following the Employment Tribunal in the case brought by Dr Aaron Edwards against Cliff College.
Ali Alexander
Ali is the Student President for the 2024/2025 academic year, a role he's doing alongside studying his second year of the BA Theology and Mission course. Having already done a degree, Ali came back to...
Colin Braithwaite
Colin studied here at Cliff College from 1971-1973 and, after further training, entered the Ministry. He served at various churches around the country. He recently retired from ministry and moved to l...
Rev Dr Graham Edwards
Graham joined Cliff College in September 2024. Graham is a Methodist Minister and is currently half time Superintendent Minister in the Macclesfield Circuit and half time at Cliff. He has also worked ...
Foundations: Ministry in the Irish Methodist Church pathway
This six-unit pathway will prepare and equip you to serve God in the Irish Methodist Church.
New Chair of the Cliff College Committee
We're delighted to announce the appointment of Karen Stefanyszyn as the new Chair.
Introduction to Foundations units
Join us for an online introduction to Cliff College's Foundations units. We will share a short presentation about the College and the Cliff community and then go into more detail about our selection o...
Julia Feital
Julia is originally from Brazil and recently graduated from the BA at Cliff College. She now works as part of the Innovation Team. Julia loves God and understanding the uniqueness and love with each p...
Debbie Budge
Debbie is the Librarian at Cliff College. She lives in nearby Buxton with her husband, Alan, and a Ukranian refugee. In her spare time, Debbie is a TakeTime practitioner and a sometime chaplain on Bar...
Helen Rogers
Helen has worked in teaching for over twenty years, combining this with a love of singing in a choir, amateur dramatics and being a steward and worship leader in her local church. As a child, annual h...
Hiring: Catering Team
Cliff College is looking to recruit a chef and a weekend catering assistant to work with its in-house catering team.
An update on Cliff College's leadership
Rev Ashley Cooper has announced that he will move on from his appointment as Principal of Cliff College in summer 2025.
Students volunteering at 3Generate
Once a year our students attend 3Generate which is a youth event run by the Methodist Church. Read how they got on in 2024...
Jobs at Cliff College
Cliff College is an evangelical learning community which is rooted in God’s Word and Spirit, for the purpose of equipping God’s people for practical ministry and cutting-edge missional engagement. Cli...
Providing customers with high-quality food. Full-time and part-time hours available.
Matt Finch
Matt Finch is the Pioneering and Church Planting Office for the Methodist Church. He has been a presbyter for 19 years and has always been exploring creative ways to share the transforming good news o...
Finance Manager
Cliff College is seeking to appoint a qualified and experienced Finance Manager to work as part of the Finance team.
The launch of Children's Ministry Essentials
Children's Ministry Essentials is a comprehensive introduction to Christian mission and ministry with children in whatever context you find yourself.
Rachael Heffer
Rachael serves as Head of Mission for the Evangelical Alliance, seeking to resource and equip the UK Church in all forms of mission activity, to develop a widespread culture of evangelism, and to see ...
Rev Dr Andrew Stobart appointed as Principal of Cliff College
The Connexional Council has approved the appointment of the Rev Dr Andrew Stobart as the Principal of Cliff College for a two-year period beginning September 1, 2025.
Gill Thomas
Gill has always loved learning and this has taken her into the world of youth and community work, further education teaching, and learning and development work. As well as being the Training Manager f...
An interview with Andrew Stobart
Following the announcement that Rev Dr Andrew Stobart will take up the role of Principal from September 1st 2025, we sat down to ask him some questions.
Marie Middleton
Marie joined Cliff College in summer 2024 as part of our hospitality team, having previous worked as an apartment cleaner. Marie lives in Stoney Middleton, has two children and is a gymaholic!
Academic Dean
Cliff College is looking to appoint a dynamic Academic Dean to work alongside the Principal and to provide leadership and management of the academic life of the College.
James Aladiran
James Aladiran, founder of Prayer Storm and author of Life On Fire, is an instrumental figure in the UK for catalysing the Church into a lifestyle of prayer, purity and power. Along with his wife, Reb...
Rev Andy Fyall
Andy serves as the Chair of the Nottingham & Derby District. He is married to Helen, also a Methodist minister. Andy’s prayer is that people find their place in God’s love, grow as disciples of Ch...
Moses Brothers
The Moses Brothers started playing music and writing songs together at a young age alongside each other and have a shared musical history, having spent formative years exploring their craft together. ...
Foundations: Ministry in the Methodist Tradition- onsite intensive
Join Cliff College on campus in Derbyshire for Foundations: Ministry in the Methodist Tradition, from 14-16 July 2025.