BA Mission and Ministry - third age pathway
Our BA Mission and Ministry third age pathway is returning from September 2021. Aimed at those working with older people in the church and the wider community, this course combines theology and practice to engage both those starting out in this ministry and those with more experience.
The BA Mission and Ministry programme is designed for those actively engaged in voluntary or paid work in church and community contexts. The third age pathway focuses on working with older people in these contexts and covers evangelism and mission towards older people, issues facing older people in the contemporary world and spirituality and faith in later life. The course also encourages the students to look at their personal and professional development and reflect on their own practice in the light of their learning.
We’re thrilled that the third age pathway on the BA Mission and Ministry is returning to Cliff College next September. The church can never condone seeing older people as any less important than other age groups and we cannot afford to if we are to reach our communities with the good news of Jesus. Mission and Ministry to older people has to be central to the life of the church today and at Cliff College we’re looking forward to playing our part by equipping people in this area.
Gareth Crispin, BA Mission and Ministry programme lead
The BA Mission and Ministry programme is taught in intensive weeks and does not require students to live onsite or attend weekly lectures at Cliff College. This makes the programme ideal for those engaged in mission and ministry around the UK, and for those with family responsibilities that prevent them from studying in traditional ways.
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