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Introduction to Evangelism

An online course exploring the theory and theology of evangelism, its history and its contemporary practice. You can access this course via our online learning platform, TheologyX.

Intro Evangelism online

Introduction to Evangelism is a four-session course that explores the theory, theology and history of evangelism. So often evangelism is something that we 'do', but do we ever consider what it is or why we do it? This online course explores what evangelism is and means, both currently and historically. Students will explore the different forms of evangelism and assess their application and usefulness in today's contexts.

This course also examines how evangelism, conversion, discipleship, mission and the nature and calling of the Christian church relate to each other. Students will consider the ethics of evangelism and how it is sometimes a thing of contention, as well as drawing on their own experiences and identifying what effective, authentic and appropriate evangelism looks like in the 21st century.

This course, taught by Rev Dr Martyn Atkins, is available entirely online and is suited to those who have done little or no previous theological study. Whether you are new to Christianity and wondering what evangelism is all about, or have been attending church for years but have always been cautious about evangelism, this course is a great opportunity to get a theological and historical introduction that will prepare you to practice evangelism in a new way.

This course is available now on our online learning platform, TheologyX. It is a self-paced course, so you can work through the content as quickly or as slowly as you like.

The course costs £25; the full amount is payable when you sign up. Payment can be made by credit or debit card.

You can enrol on this course right now - visit the TheologyX platform to get started!