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Family Festival intergenerational

Cliff Festival - What to Expect

What you can expect to find on your trip to Cliff Festival

About Cliff Festival

Cliff Festival is full of worship, teaching and activities for all ages. We also have live streams and online content for those who cannot join us on the Cliff College site.

The centre of Cliff Festival is our Hope Stage, which will host morning Bible studies and evening celebration services each day. Expect worship, teaching, prayer, testimony and encounters with the Holy Spirit! This venue will also host our early morning all-age worship and performances through the day and into the evening.

Afternoons at Cliff Festival offer spaces for learning with our various Seminar Streams; or you could enjoy some workshops and performances at our Orchard Stage; or burn off some energy at our football cage or in some Terrace games. Other venues including The Market Hub, The Yurt and Hope & Anchor will be open throughout the day for you to pop in and see what's going on. Our full programme is available to download below.

And don't forget our age-specific venues for children, youth and young adults, which offer sessions and activities at different times of the day. More information about these venues will be available later in 2025.

What happens at Cliff Festival

Click on our venues to find out more about what's on offer during Cliff Festival.

About our theme

Our theme for Cliff Festival 2025 is Holiness Calling.

'In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up… above him stood the seraphim… and one called to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!"' (Isaiah 6:1-3)

At Cliff Festival 2025, come and encounter the holy God who calls you by name. In Bible study, worship, learning, prayer and fellowship, we’ll draw near to the One who makes us holy by his presence and his sacrifice, and be commissioned again to live out a holy calling – to make his name known, ‘that the whole earth may be filled by the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.’

Weekend tickets for Cliff Festival 2025 start from £45, with camping, indoor accommodation and meal passes available.

Festival partners

Cliff Festival’s partners are the Methodist Church and All We Can.

All We Can is an international development and relief organisation, rooted in Christianity and working together to see every person’s potential fulfilled. Focussed on serving the world’s most marginalised communities, All We Can works through partnership alongside our global neighbours to see everyone become all that they can be – and you can be a part of this pioneering movement for change.

The Methodist Church has a calling to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism. The Methodist Church is committed to being a growing, evangelistic, inclusive, justice-seeking Church – so that new people become disciples of Jesus Christ, faith deepens for everyone, and diverse communities and churches experience transformation.

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